
To make a donation please click on the ‘donate’ button below. A tax receipt will be automatically emailed to you following completion of the transaction. And… thank you! Your donation is greatly appreciated! Your contribution will help us continue to protect and maintain the beauty and biodiversity of the Weaselhead and Glenmore Parks and encourage appreciation of our urban parks.

Registered charity: BN 896568417RR0001.

Donate Now Through!

To pay for education programs, membership, field trips, or an event, please use the ‘pay now’ button below and include details of what you are paying for (and invoice number if applicable) in the box labelled ‘description’.(Note: payments are made via the PayPal platform – but there is no requirement for you to have an account with the company as long as you have a credit card.) You will receive a receipt by email following payment.

Teachers – please be aware you need to enter the exact name, address, phone number and email linked to the credit card or the payment will be refused. If the credit card is linked to the name of a school rather than that of a person – enter e.g. ‘Wildwood’, in the box for first name, and ‘School’ in the box for second name.

You can also donate or pay for education programs by cheque: please make cheques payable to ‘The Weaselhead Preservation Society’ and mail to PO Box 36032, Lakeview PO, Calgary T3E 7C6. (Teachers: cheques can be delivered by the teacher on the day of the field-trip or mailed to the Society.)