30 Years Bioblitz

This year the Society is turning 30! The Society has a long history of protecting and preserving the biodiversity of Weaselhead Natural Area. To celebrate and showcase the biodiversity of the park, we are holding a 30 year BioBlitz!

We’re regularly monitoring biodiversity in the park thru our ongoing iNaturalist project. To date we have 14,604 observations of 1356 species!

For our 30th Anniversary we would love to get to 30,000 observations. We are holding a 30 years BioBlitz to help us get there!

BioBlitz Details:

BioBlitz will take place on iNaturalist citizen science app.
– Any observations uploaded through the app or desktop web browser with the location of the Weaselhead or North/South Glenmore parks will automatically be added to the BioBlitz as well as our ongoing project for the Weaselhead area.
– The BioBlitz will run from June 1, 2024 and run until December 31, 2024.
– Prizes to be won for most observations and well as a draw for every submission to the event from June 1 until September 1.
– We will post weekly feature species on social media for the month of June which, if found, will give you a bonus entry into our draw.

Happy Observing!

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