



Watch a short video of one of our in-school programs: Bring Nature into YOUR Classroom

Free presentations In partnership withCalgary Captured’, a Calgary-wide citizen science project, the Society is offering free in-school presentations November to December inclusive, that explore biodiversity,  human impacts on our environment, and the need for co-existence with urban wildlife.  For details go to our ‘indoor programs’ page.


COST OF PROGRAMS effective Fall 2023

  • in-school programs $150/class (40-60 mins. depending on grade)
  • outdoor field-trips $350/class full-day field-trip (5 hrs.); $200/class half-day field-trip (2.5 hrs.);
  • custom field-trips for home-schooled students: $75/hour

Maximum 3 classes per day; maximum 30 students per class; *$5 charge for each student over 30/class max.



Our knowledgeable Naturalists can deliver a custom field-trip to meet the needs of your classroom. Provide us with your expectations and we can compliment your in-school activities while exploring the Weaselhead and Glenmore Parks.


Bring your Scouts, Girl Guides or any group to explore the Weaselhead. We offer custom programs for participants ranging in age from young children to senior citizens. Allow the Weaselhead Naturalists to enrich your understanding and connection to Nature. Find out how you can help support the plants and animals that share our city . Email to discuss details.
