Available year round, adapted to season. Recommended half day, available as full day
Gr. 1 – Students investigate direction, pathway, and speed of moving objects and animals; Students analyze environments and investigate interactions and changes; Students investigate and examine needs of plants and animals; Students follow instructions and relate them to outcomes.
Social studies: K- Children examine places in communities; Children explore self, others, and the past through expressions of traditions, cultures, and histories; Children explain how cooperation contributes to achieving common goals.
Gr. 1 – Students explore some of the major physical features of our world; Children explain how cooperation contributes to achieving common goals; Students explore cultures and histories of diverse communities;
Learn a little bit about identifying animals track before attending our program
Grade 2 – Plant and Animal Life Cycles: Students will learn about natural and manmade materials and compare how different materials are suited to different purposed. They will learn how to identify how sounds in the park how light and seasonal changes affect plant life cycles with a guided hike that also introduces different landforms and bodies of water. A bug hunt in spring or fall will help children see the life cycles of animals and plants in different environments. Different physical Students will also take part in a litter clean up to explore how human actions affect natural spaces. Available as a half day or full day trip.
Curricular learning outcome connections: : Science: Students investigate properties of materials and relate them to a purpose; Students investigate the behaviours of light and sound; Students investigate Earth, its landforms, its bodies of water, and its relationship to the Sun; Students investigate the growth and development of plants and animals and consider their relationship to humans.
Social Studies: Students explore the diverse physical regions of Canada; Students explore the foundational heritage of First Nations, Francophone, and Métis communities; Students explore how facts and opinions inform discussions.
Grade 3 – Earth Changes and Plant and Animal Interactions: Students will take a guided tour of the Weaselhead, learning about the natural features and how they were formed. Plants and animal interactions will be discussed with examples and tracks and sign including galls. Indigenous connections to the land and animals in the Weaselhead and how climate change affects plants and animals will also be introduced. Offered as a half day or full day program with pond study in spring or fall.
Curricular learning outcome connections: Science: Students analyze changes in Earth’s surface and explain how its layers hold stories of the past; Students analyze and describe how plants and animals interact with each other and within environments; Students relate investigation to building knowledge.
Social Studies: Students investigate natural and created features of Alberta; Students explore how diverse people contribute to the identity of Alberta;
Grade 4 – Investigating Earth and Living Systems: Students delve into the complexities of ecosystems and explore the historical significance of the Weaselhead area. Through a pond dip they will investigate how different body plans of aquatic invertebrates support different functions and how climate change can affect them. Recommended full day spring or fall field trip.
Curricular learning outcome connections: Science: Students analyze organisms and relate external structures to functions; Students investigate the systems of Earth and reflect on how their interconnections sustain life.
Social Studies: Students examine significant historical events that contributed to the formation of the country of Canada; Students investigate changes in Canada’s political boundaries.
Grade 5 – Adapting to change in the Weaselhead: This program gives students an opportunity to study the biodiversity of wetlands and investigate how weather systems resulting from climate change are affecting them. They will conduct pond studies to examine the different aquatic invertebrates that live in the different types of wetlands and learn how their internal structures differ from humans. Students will learn the history of the Weaselhead through stories and walking on the land. Recommended full day spring or fall field trip.
Curricular learning outcome connections: Science: Students analyze climate and connect it to weather conditions; Students investigate the internal systems of organisms and explain how they support vital biological processes.
Social studies: Students investigate ways of studying people, places, and events; Students investigate ways to learn about the world and take action for change.
- Additional Resources: Wetland Web of Life Tags; Weaselhead Wetland Rummy
Sneak peak of what you might find during our wetland studies:
Grade 6 – Investigating Ecosystems: Students will learn about the different ecosystems/vegetation communities (riverine forest, spruce forest, tall shrubs, human-modified grassland, wetlands, aspen stand) in the Weaselhead with a guided tour of at least 3 including the option of a wetland where they can investigate biodiversity of aquatic invertebrates through a pond dip. They will discover how climate change is affecting different ecosystems and consequently the biodiversity within them. Using the scientific method, students will conduct an experiment of their choice with guidance from our Naturalists. *If you would like a pond dip, please confirm with our Education Coordinator.
Curricular learning outcome connections: Science: Students investigate climate, changes in climate, and the impact of climate change on Earth; Students investigate the characteristics and components of and interactions within ecosystems
Social studies: Students explore project planning
Grade 7 – Ecosystems : Students study 5 of the 6 distinct local ecosystems/vegetation communities found in the Weaselhead (riverine forest, spruce forest, tall shrubs, human-modified grassland, wetlands, aspen stand). Depending on which ecosystems are visited activities include; a small survey to compare native grass with non-native plants, learning to identify some common native plants, and investigating energy flow, biodiversity, succession, and disturbance in ecosystems. Students will learn how climate change is predicted to change these ecosystems and identify changes already taking place. Recommended full day field trip.
Curricular Connections: Unit A: Interactions and Ecosystems; Unit B: Plants for Food and Fiber
Grade 8 – Freshwater Ecosystems: Students will be exposed to the important role water plays in this particular area. They will explore the impact of water on climate and land formation and research the adaptations of the fresh water species in the area. They will also perform a water quality test and pond dip to learn about biodiversity and discuss how climate change is affecting freshwater. Recommended full day field trip.
Curricular Connections: Unit E: Freshwater and Saltwater Ecosystems
Grade 9 – Biodiversity: Students will learn about biodiversity, what it means and the importance of it to healthy ecosystems. They will learn how humans are impacting biodiversity in the park directly through activities in the park and indirectly through climate change. Activities include basic water quality tests, a pond dip to learn about aquatic invertebrates and exploration to find different examples of symbiosis in the park.
Curricular Connections: Unit A: Biological Diversity & Unit C: Environmental Chemistry
Bio 20 – Ecosystems and Population Change: Students will explore biodiversity in the Weaselhead and look at how energy flows and cycles through the biosphere with examples provided of interactions between organisms in the park. They will define limiting factors to populations and through a pond dip and chemical testing. Recommended full day field trip.
*This program can be adjusted for Science 10.
Curricular learning outcome connections: Unit A: Energy and Matter Exchange in the Biosphere; Unit B: Ecosystems and Population Change
Recreational Impacts – Grade 4-9: this program has strong cross curriculum links from grade 4-9 and is adapted and customized to suit the grade visiting. This field trip offers hands-on, inquiry-based activities that help to build environmental literacy and responsible stewardship. Students conduct experiments to study the impacts of different recreational activities and develop mitigation strategies for preserving plants, wildlife, water and soil.
Curricular Connections: Grade 4 – Students investigate the management of waste and dangerous materials and describe environmental impacts.; Grade 5 – Students investigate ways to learn about the world and take action for change; Grade 6 – Students investigate climate, changes in climate, and the impact of climate change on Earth; Grade 7 – Unit A: Interactions and Ecosystem & Unit B: Plants for Food and Fibre; Grade 8 – Unit E: Freshwater and Saltwater Ecosystems; Grade 9 – Unit A: Biological Diversity & Unit C: Environmental Chemistry
- Recreational Impacts on Natural Areas Program Package
- Recreational Impacts on Natural Areas Student Worksheets
- Program developed with the generous support of Alberta Ecotrust
Weed Warriors! Invasive Plant Workshop – Grades 7 & 9: This hands on invasive plant workshop has curricular connections for biodiversity and ecosystems and interactions for grade 7 and 9 students. Students will learn what invasive plants are, why they are a problem and how they can be safely removed. They will also make a measurable impact on the invasive plants in the Weaselhead during their trip. Pre and post field trip activities are available to strengthen the learning objectives.
Curricular Connections: Grade 7 – Unit A: Interactions and ecosystems; Grade 9 – Unit A: Biological diversity
(Details of costs here and how to book available here…)